Ni masalah nya...
Kita orang perempuan ni memang agak nya ada lumrah suka atau senang memberitahu dan mengadu.
Sebab tu bila bab bergossip dan mengumpat, suka di kaitkan dengan kaum wanita. Suka benor sharing session.
Orang laki ni lebih suka pendam. Konon tak nak susahkan orang. Memang bagus sikap 'berdiam lebih baik' ni. Tapi ada risiko nya. Kalau cik abang pendam sensorang, memang la cik akak tak faham sikap cik abang. faham?
Saya berborak dengan mak saya weekend lepas. Cakap pasal soal ni la.
'the problem with the people is they DO NOT tell other people what they want and expect people to understand them"
Ya, Masalah komunikasi dan memberitahu,
Istilah "pandai-pandai la (nak faham)" tu ada had penggunaan dia. Tak semua orang boleh faham atau senang faham atau senang faham dengan ayat atau bahasa tubuh yang anda pakai/ applikasi kan.
Kalau semua nak di duga, dah lama saya duga isi hati tuan hamba. heh
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Monday, 21 October 2013
Don't Messed Up Your Subuh
Quick post on the the importance of taking care of your prayers (solat).
Last week on Friday morning, I was kind of woke up nearly 7 a.m since I was woken up in the middle of the night due to a client Whatsapp-ed me at 3 am! What were you thinking dude? It's not my personal client by the way. It's the firm's client. Oh my. Don't you know the borderline on when to text or call someone..? duh.
Must know people's limit and privacy. Please.
The point is that since I woke up late, I missed my Subuh prayer and it's already passed syuruk time.
So, the day just got messed up too!
I was rushing here and there. I wanted to go to the SSM (Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia) first to apply for an express CTC (Certified True Copy). All documents were ready but it got rejected since I forgot to tie it with a green string. I thought since it was just 3 pages of a document, it doesn't need the green string. Alas, it is still subjected to the rules of using the green string when submitting any Forms to the SSM. I got frustrated since the file been delayed for quite some times. I thought I could come back after searching or buying the green string somewhere around the place. I even borrowed a paper puncher from The Store to punch those papers! Urgh.
But then, I was called by a colleague to go back to the office immediately since the boss wanted the documents that were with me. Documents I picked up from Les' Copaque. (sounds familiar eh? Yes. The makers of Upin & Ipin.). I need to travel 9 KM back and forth just to submit the documents...Plus, I need to go back to SSM to submit the application after I got the green string! Talk bout time management and mileage and fuel consumption! It's not really about mileage since I can reimburse from the firm but it's about time that being wasted.
I got back to SSM after Friday prayers after having lunch with my friends. The queue was just ridiculous. I thought i could just jumped the line since it was just a minor thing (yeah. The green string!). But i still need to queue and such. It was almost 4 pm and i didn't perform my Zohor prayer yet. *sigh*. I took the number and I went to the surau. I prayed Zohor and Asar and came back to SSM. I just missed my number! haih. Just a slight miss.
I'm supposed to pick up documents in U8 but I didn't since I came back late to the office. The office was locked and no one is on standby at the office if there's any calls or if any courier came in. I'm responsible to be on stand by for those things. How irresponsible I am on that day. Since the office was locked, one of the boss was locked out from the office. How miserable I was at that time.
It's all because I messed up with my Subuh prayer (solat). You neglect your solat, your daily routine will go haywire.

Picture courtesy from
Quick post on the the importance of taking care of your prayers (solat).
Last week on Friday morning, I was kind of woke up nearly 7 a.m since I was woken up in the middle of the night due to a client Whatsapp-ed me at 3 am! What were you thinking dude? It's not my personal client by the way. It's the firm's client. Oh my. Don't you know the borderline on when to text or call someone..? duh.
Must know people's limit and privacy. Please.
The point is that since I woke up late, I missed my Subuh prayer and it's already passed syuruk time.
So, the day just got messed up too!
I was rushing here and there. I wanted to go to the SSM (Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia) first to apply for an express CTC (Certified True Copy). All documents were ready but it got rejected since I forgot to tie it with a green string. I thought since it was just 3 pages of a document, it doesn't need the green string. Alas, it is still subjected to the rules of using the green string when submitting any Forms to the SSM. I got frustrated since the file been delayed for quite some times. I thought I could come back after searching or buying the green string somewhere around the place. I even borrowed a paper puncher from The Store to punch those papers! Urgh.
But then, I was called by a colleague to go back to the office immediately since the boss wanted the documents that were with me. Documents I picked up from Les' Copaque. (sounds familiar eh? Yes. The makers of Upin & Ipin.). I need to travel 9 KM back and forth just to submit the documents...Plus, I need to go back to SSM to submit the application after I got the green string! Talk bout time management and mileage and fuel consumption! It's not really about mileage since I can reimburse from the firm but it's about time that being wasted.
I got back to SSM after Friday prayers after having lunch with my friends. The queue was just ridiculous. I thought i could just jumped the line since it was just a minor thing (yeah. The green string!). But i still need to queue and such. It was almost 4 pm and i didn't perform my Zohor prayer yet. *sigh*. I took the number and I went to the surau. I prayed Zohor and Asar and came back to SSM. I just missed my number! haih. Just a slight miss.
I'm supposed to pick up documents in U8 but I didn't since I came back late to the office. The office was locked and no one is on standby at the office if there's any calls or if any courier came in. I'm responsible to be on stand by for those things. How irresponsible I am on that day. Since the office was locked, one of the boss was locked out from the office. How miserable I was at that time.
It's all because I messed up with my Subuh prayer (solat). You neglect your solat, your daily routine will go haywire.
Picture courtesy from
Saturday, 19 October 2013
Seperti Semut Mencari Air Masak
Pagi Ahad selepas sarapan yang agak berat,,bihun goreng separuh dan sambal sotong..terus capai Herbalife TeaMix panas supaya cepat bakar balik makanan yang di makan dengan tingkatkan kadar metabolisma badan. Lepas tu memang rasa badan panas berpeluh-peluh la. heh.
Nak di jadikan cerita, masa nak buka botol teamix tu, nampak semut duk hurung botol teamix tu,
Bukan sebab teamix tu manis. Teamix tu tak ada kandungan gula langsung. Kalori sangat rendah. 5kcal sahaja per serving. Semut tu tertarik dengan bau hibiscus (bunga raya) dalam ekstrak teamix tu.
Semut pun nak rasa teamix. Manusia tak nak ke? *wink*
Nak tekankan kat sini yang peibahasa 'Ada Gula Ada Semut' tu macam dah tak relevan untuk masa sekarang. Mesej tu jelas. Tapi kiasan tu dah macam lari sikit.
Semut pun reti nak cari air mineral(air masak). Manusia? sikit-sikit air manis..air berais..
Waktu zaman Diploma kat Terengganu dulu, pernah cuba buat eksperimen memandangkan semut-semut suka lalu-lalang kat kolej kayu kami kan,,Saya tabur gula pasir atas meja. Takde sekor pun berhenti. Saya cuba lagi dengan larut air dengan gula. Pun takde sekor berhenti apatah lagi nak hurung. Kalau ada pun, semut-semut yang curiga dan semut-semut yang ingin tahu. duhhh
Kalau ada bekas air masak, tempat tu la semut-semut tu hurung dulu. Siap nak terjun masuk dalam bekas air masak tu lagi.
Kekadang terdetik dalam hati "apa benda la semut ni. Kut nak minum air masak pun tapi kalau dah terjunam dalam bekas ni, tak ke mati jugak?" adeh. Tu la beza manusia dan serangga atau haiwan. aha.
Kat rumah ni memang tu la masalah dia. Bila nak minum air masak yang ada dalam bekas air tu, kena tengok ada semut ke tak. Patut la sembap dan lembap je rasa. Duk minum air semut rupa nyaaa....
Semut dah tak nak cari gula dahh.. nanti kencing manis!
Manusia je tak reti nak insaf.
Pagi Ahad selepas sarapan yang agak berat,,bihun goreng separuh dan sambal sotong..terus capai Herbalife TeaMix panas supaya cepat bakar balik makanan yang di makan dengan tingkatkan kadar metabolisma badan. Lepas tu memang rasa badan panas berpeluh-peluh la. heh.
Nak di jadikan cerita, masa nak buka botol teamix tu, nampak semut duk hurung botol teamix tu,
Bukan sebab teamix tu manis. Teamix tu tak ada kandungan gula langsung. Kalori sangat rendah. 5kcal sahaja per serving. Semut tu tertarik dengan bau hibiscus (bunga raya) dalam ekstrak teamix tu.
Semut pun nak rasa teamix. Manusia tak nak ke? *wink*
Nak tekankan kat sini yang peibahasa 'Ada Gula Ada Semut' tu macam dah tak relevan untuk masa sekarang. Mesej tu jelas. Tapi kiasan tu dah macam lari sikit.
Semut pun reti nak cari air mineral(air masak). Manusia? sikit-sikit air manis..air berais..
Waktu zaman Diploma kat Terengganu dulu, pernah cuba buat eksperimen memandangkan semut-semut suka lalu-lalang kat kolej kayu kami kan,,Saya tabur gula pasir atas meja. Takde sekor pun berhenti. Saya cuba lagi dengan larut air dengan gula. Pun takde sekor berhenti apatah lagi nak hurung. Kalau ada pun, semut-semut yang curiga dan semut-semut yang ingin tahu. duhhh
Kalau ada bekas air masak, tempat tu la semut-semut tu hurung dulu. Siap nak terjun masuk dalam bekas air masak tu lagi.
Kekadang terdetik dalam hati "apa benda la semut ni. Kut nak minum air masak pun tapi kalau dah terjunam dalam bekas ni, tak ke mati jugak?" adeh. Tu la beza manusia dan serangga atau haiwan. aha.
Kat rumah ni memang tu la masalah dia. Bila nak minum air masak yang ada dalam bekas air tu, kena tengok ada semut ke tak. Patut la sembap dan lembap je rasa. Duk minum air semut rupa nyaaa....
Semut dah tak nak cari gula dahh.. nanti kencing manis!
Manusia je tak reti nak insaf.
Friday, 18 October 2013
The Sins
A quick post about sins which suddenly came out of nowhere.
In my opinion, the worst sin that people could commit would be the sin of killing people and zina.
Those two acts are considered as one-time-crime or sin. Once you commit, no way to turn around. It's not that you can't repent but you can get the picture right?
Once you kill a person, that person is already dead. End of story.
Just like zina. One night stand and that's all. Your dignity has gone. Just like that. The pleasure is for that time but the sins you committed will be there forever. Let alone having a child out of wedlock! Na'uzubillah...
I didnt say that other sins are no less than these two but these two are that type of act you did it once, it will stay as it is. Forever.
Get the point?
So, lets be sincere when we repent and promise that you wouldnt be committing sins especially those big sins. Do not turn back to the dark days of yours.
Lets istighfar..
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Projek Antologi Cerpen #SusurMasa
Saya baru dapat email dari seseorang di Twitter yang nak cari bakat baru dalam bidang penulisan. Mungkin juga karya di terima untuk projek penulisan yang akan di terbitkan akan datang. Kebetulan tengok Timeline(TL) semalam dan ada orang ReTweet (RT) pasal peluang penulisan ni. Apa lagi, terus mention @_ahmadboii and bagi email. Lama gila weh tak menulis. Kali terakhir menulis masa entri untuk kolum travel untuk Majalah Hijabista. Entah terima ke tak entri tu. Ye lah, faham-faham la kalau majalah tu pasal fesyen dan trend terkini, takkan nak terima artikel yang saya tulis banyak pasal penggembaraan dan sejarah ketika melawat Filipina. haihh... Tengok la macam mana kalau keluar. Tak pernah pun nak belek majalah tu sebenar nya. Bukan apa, kecik hati tengok model lawa-lawa jadi cover girl kat majalah tu. Siapa lah kita ni. Pakai tudung pun tudung bawal RM10 jeee..
Ni email daripada @_ahmadboii...
Aku nak kasi details sikit pasal projek cerpen Susur Masa ni. Tujuan aku buat projek ni adalah untuk cari penulis penulis yang baru dan maybe aku akan masukkan korang dalam upcoming project yang lain.
Ok, syaratnya adalah korang kena tulis cerita pendek yang bertemakan 'susur masa' / 'timeline'. Tak kisah lah cerita cinta / gaduh / fantasi / ketuhanan/ tweetfamous / fesbuk famous, Asalkan cerita korang tak lari dari konsep susur masa dan perihal yang berlaku di susur masa.
Cerpen yang dibuat mestilah dalam 2000 patah perkataan. Lebih sikit pun orait, kurang sikit pun orait. Pandai pandai la bajet.
Tarikh submission cerpen korang agak singkat iaitu sebelum 31 oktober 2013. Jadi korang ada lebih kurang 2 minggu untuk siapkan.
Lepas korang dah hantar cerpen korang dekat email aku ni, aku dan team aku akan pilih 15 cerpen terbaik untuk dipublishkan. Kalau cerpen korang terpilih, aku akan maklumkan balik dekat email korang dan maklumat seterusnya aku akan bagitahu balik.
Aku rasa itu saja buat masa sekarang. Kalau ada apa apa pertanyaan, korang boleh email ke aku balik, atau mention aku dekat twitter @_ahmadboii.
Syed Ahmad Al-Boii
Ada dua je cara nak dapat idea: Perah otak gila-gla buat brainstorming bagai atau duduk relax and tengok gelagat orang atau tengok pemandangan.
Waktu macam ni la nak gunakan ilmu Intellectual Property yang ada kalau-kalau karya ni berjaya di terbitkan. heh.
Ye laaa...penat-penat tulis, orang ciplak. apa hal?
Saya baru dapat email dari seseorang di Twitter yang nak cari bakat baru dalam bidang penulisan. Mungkin juga karya di terima untuk projek penulisan yang akan di terbitkan akan datang. Kebetulan tengok Timeline(TL) semalam dan ada orang ReTweet (RT) pasal peluang penulisan ni. Apa lagi, terus mention @_ahmadboii and bagi email. Lama gila weh tak menulis. Kali terakhir menulis masa entri untuk kolum travel untuk Majalah Hijabista. Entah terima ke tak entri tu. Ye lah, faham-faham la kalau majalah tu pasal fesyen dan trend terkini, takkan nak terima artikel yang saya tulis banyak pasal penggembaraan dan sejarah ketika melawat Filipina. haihh... Tengok la macam mana kalau keluar. Tak pernah pun nak belek majalah tu sebenar nya. Bukan apa, kecik hati tengok model lawa-lawa jadi cover girl kat majalah tu. Siapa lah kita ni. Pakai tudung pun tudung bawal RM10 jeee..
Ni email daripada @_ahmadboii...
Aku nak kasi details sikit pasal projek cerpen Susur Masa ni. Tujuan aku buat projek ni adalah untuk cari penulis penulis yang baru dan maybe aku akan masukkan korang dalam upcoming project yang lain.
Ok, syaratnya adalah korang kena tulis cerita pendek yang bertemakan 'susur masa' / 'timeline'. Tak kisah lah cerita cinta / gaduh / fantasi / ketuhanan/ tweetfamous / fesbuk famous, Asalkan cerita korang tak lari dari konsep susur masa dan perihal yang berlaku di susur masa.
Cerpen yang dibuat mestilah dalam 2000 patah perkataan. Lebih sikit pun orait, kurang sikit pun orait. Pandai pandai la bajet.
Tarikh submission cerpen korang agak singkat iaitu sebelum 31 oktober 2013. Jadi korang ada lebih kurang 2 minggu untuk siapkan.
Lepas korang dah hantar cerpen korang dekat email aku ni, aku dan team aku akan pilih 15 cerpen terbaik untuk dipublishkan. Kalau cerpen korang terpilih, aku akan maklumkan balik dekat email korang dan maklumat seterusnya aku akan bagitahu balik.
Aku rasa itu saja buat masa sekarang. Kalau ada apa apa pertanyaan, korang boleh email ke aku balik, atau mention aku dekat twitter @_ahmadboii.
Syed Ahmad Al-Boii
Ada dua je cara nak dapat idea: Perah otak gila-gla buat brainstorming bagai atau duduk relax and tengok gelagat orang atau tengok pemandangan.
Waktu macam ni la nak gunakan ilmu Intellectual Property yang ada kalau-kalau karya ni berjaya di terbitkan. heh.
Ye laaa...penat-penat tulis, orang ciplak. apa hal?
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
What Is Wrong With You,Pos Express?
Ya. Saya sememang nya tak senang duduk kat ofis tatkala waktu office hour nak habis.
persoalan nya "Di Manakah pos express ku wahai pos express malaysia?"
Pos Malaysia dan Pos Express Malaysia adalah dua cabang pos yang berlainan walaupun berkongsi operator di talian 1300300300 yang sama. heh.
Sebab tu bila saya tanya pasal pos saya kat Pejabat Pos Besar Shah Alam tu, mereka suruh call pejabat pos express kat Seksyen 21, kata nya.
Saya hantar Pos Ekpress ni 25 September 2013 kat peti kuning pos ekspress yang terletak di luar bangunan Pejabat Pos Besar Shah Alam. Saya anggap, mustahil lah pos ni sampai lambat sebab kat depan pejabat pos kottt!
Saya call balik client 2 hari kemudian. Client kata tak dapat dokumen lagi. Tak apa, tunggu hari Isnin minggu depan nya pula. Client bagitau mereka tak dapat lagi dokumen. Dokumen bank original tahu taaaakkk?
Tahu saja lah urusan conveyancing ni banyak pakai postage. Nak dokumen cepat sampai, kena la pakai Pos Ekspress. Di Jamin Sampai esok ye...? (sila sengih seorang diri)
Al-kisah sampai 8 Oktober pun dokumen masih tak di jumpai. Dah buat report mealui hotline 1300300300. Report number pun dah ada. Client sebelah sana duk call tanya dokumen dah sampai ke belum? Mana alasan nak korek nak bagitahu dokumen mereka dah hilang?!
Imej siapa yang tercalar?
Imej firma kami
Imej siapa yang 2x ganda kena calar?
imej yang pos kan dokumen tu (aku lah insan itu.....)
Takut bos dah tak percaya nak bagi aku pos apa-apa dah. =(
Saya memang siap-siap catit tracking number pos tu sebab sticker kuning pos tu memang kami lekatkan pada salinan surat acknowledgement letter (standard cara kerja kami). Bila client dah terima dokumen kami, mereka tandatangan pada salinan surat kami menunjukkan mereka dah terima dokumen dari kami & hantar balik salinan surat tu.
Beri perhatian ye.
Stiker kuning (untuk simpanan pengirim) dan slip nipis dalam sampul pos express tu, jangan buang tau.
Selalu saya nampak (dan saya pun buat jugak), orang buang slip tu merata-rata sebab ingat
"eleh..slip tunjuk poskod dan kawasan serahan pos jerr".....kan?
slip dan stiker kuning tu penting kalau nak tuntut(claim) ganti rugi kalau pos anda hilang masa dalam transit.
Saya call hotline pos malaysia, di sebabkan stiker kuning tu ada sekali dalam dokumen yang di pos kan, macam mana laaaa saya nak pergi tunjuk stiker kuning tu untuk claim? Dia kata,itu atas budi bicara pejabat pos kalau nak terima ke tak. Yang best nya, dia kata kalau claim pun, pos ekpress malaysia hanya ganti dengan sampul pos baru =) =) =)
(tak tau nak gelak ke sengih.....)
Kalau setakat ganti sampul baru, kat ofis saya ada banyaaaaak lagi. Sampai hujung tahun pun cukup stok nak hantar dokumen. alahai pos ekspress malaysia.
Bayang kan la kalau ada yang pos duit..Kalau claim, di ganti nya dengan sampul baru. Tak tahu lah apa makian dan cercaan yang pos ekspress tu dapat, kan?
Saya yakin kalau orang pos tu buka peti kuning pos kat depan Pejabat Pos Besar Shah Alam tu, mesti ada parcel saya tu. Kadang-kadang ada posmen yang kumpul pos banyak-banyak, senang nak angkut sekali gus. haihhh.. Saya 'GOOGLE' juga kes-kes macam ni, ramai dah yang mengadu masalah sama.
Jangan la macam ni Pos Malaysia dan cabang-cabang serta anak syarikat pos malaysia sekalian... Sekarang banyak orang buat online business. Urusan postage ni memang urusan rasmi peniaga online sekalian.
Apa perlu kita buat?
Ya. Saya sememang nya tak senang duduk kat ofis tatkala waktu office hour nak habis.
persoalan nya "Di Manakah pos express ku wahai pos express malaysia?"
Pos Malaysia dan Pos Express Malaysia adalah dua cabang pos yang berlainan walaupun berkongsi operator di talian 1300300300 yang sama. heh.
Sebab tu bila saya tanya pasal pos saya kat Pejabat Pos Besar Shah Alam tu, mereka suruh call pejabat pos express kat Seksyen 21, kata nya.
Saya hantar Pos Ekpress ni 25 September 2013 kat peti kuning pos ekspress yang terletak di luar bangunan Pejabat Pos Besar Shah Alam. Saya anggap, mustahil lah pos ni sampai lambat sebab kat depan pejabat pos kottt!
Saya call balik client 2 hari kemudian. Client kata tak dapat dokumen lagi. Tak apa, tunggu hari Isnin minggu depan nya pula. Client bagitau mereka tak dapat lagi dokumen. Dokumen bank original tahu taaaakkk?
Tahu saja lah urusan conveyancing ni banyak pakai postage. Nak dokumen cepat sampai, kena la pakai Pos Ekspress. Di Jamin Sampai esok ye...? (sila sengih seorang diri)
Al-kisah sampai 8 Oktober pun dokumen masih tak di jumpai. Dah buat report mealui hotline 1300300300. Report number pun dah ada. Client sebelah sana duk call tanya dokumen dah sampai ke belum? Mana alasan nak korek nak bagitahu dokumen mereka dah hilang?!
Imej siapa yang tercalar?
Imej firma kami
Imej siapa yang 2x ganda kena calar?
imej yang pos kan dokumen tu (aku lah insan itu.....)
Takut bos dah tak percaya nak bagi aku pos apa-apa dah. =(
Saya memang siap-siap catit tracking number pos tu sebab sticker kuning pos tu memang kami lekatkan pada salinan surat acknowledgement letter (standard cara kerja kami). Bila client dah terima dokumen kami, mereka tandatangan pada salinan surat kami menunjukkan mereka dah terima dokumen dari kami & hantar balik salinan surat tu.
Beri perhatian ye.
Stiker kuning (untuk simpanan pengirim) dan slip nipis dalam sampul pos express tu, jangan buang tau.
Selalu saya nampak (dan saya pun buat jugak), orang buang slip tu merata-rata sebab ingat
"eleh..slip tunjuk poskod dan kawasan serahan pos jerr".....kan?
slip dan stiker kuning tu penting kalau nak tuntut(claim) ganti rugi kalau pos anda hilang masa dalam transit.
Saya call hotline pos malaysia, di sebabkan stiker kuning tu ada sekali dalam dokumen yang di pos kan, macam mana laaaa saya nak pergi tunjuk stiker kuning tu untuk claim? Dia kata,itu atas budi bicara pejabat pos kalau nak terima ke tak. Yang best nya, dia kata kalau claim pun, pos ekpress malaysia hanya ganti dengan sampul pos baru =) =) =)
(tak tau nak gelak ke sengih.....)
Kalau setakat ganti sampul baru, kat ofis saya ada banyaaaaak lagi. Sampai hujung tahun pun cukup stok nak hantar dokumen. alahai pos ekspress malaysia.
Bayang kan la kalau ada yang pos duit..Kalau claim, di ganti nya dengan sampul baru. Tak tahu lah apa makian dan cercaan yang pos ekspress tu dapat, kan?
Saya yakin kalau orang pos tu buka peti kuning pos kat depan Pejabat Pos Besar Shah Alam tu, mesti ada parcel saya tu. Kadang-kadang ada posmen yang kumpul pos banyak-banyak, senang nak angkut sekali gus. haihhh.. Saya 'GOOGLE' juga kes-kes macam ni, ramai dah yang mengadu masalah sama.
Jangan la macam ni Pos Malaysia dan cabang-cabang serta anak syarikat pos malaysia sekalian... Sekarang banyak orang buat online business. Urusan postage ni memang urusan rasmi peniaga online sekalian.
Apa perlu kita buat?
Monday, 7 October 2013
Beza Pos Laju dengan Pos Parcel
Tugasan pagi hari di pejabat lepas dah ambil borang pos kat pejabat pos semalam.
Masa nak ambil borang, ada nampak 2 borang untuk kiriman barang Domestik (dalam negara).
Saya ambil la dua-dua borang ni sebab tak yakin mana saya nak di gunakan untuk kiriman parcel saya tu.
pagi-pagi pergi 'GOOGLE' beza antara Pos Laju dan Parcel tapi banyak topik yang jawab pertanyaan pasal 'Beza Pos Laju dan Pos Express'
Q: Saya nak pos bungkusan/parcel yang ada dokumen untuk ke Sarawak. Borang mana patut di isi?
Adakah dua-dua nya sama?
Ya. saya ambil dua-dua borang Domestik. (Jangan silap ambil yang International pula ye)
Kalau tak ada beza, kenapa ada dua borang berbeza?
adakah kiriman parcel tu akan sampai lambat sedikit berbanding kiriman pos laju?
Sebab saya pernah pos produk customer guna pos daftar ke Terengganu, caj di kenakan agak murah. Saya tak ingat berapa tapi bawah RM8 untuk saya pos Herbalife F1 Shake saya. Tapi, pos daftar memang lambat sikit la. Dalam seminggu baru sampai pada customer saya.
Kesimpulan nya, borang mana yang patut saya guna untuk pos parcel seperti gambar di bawah entri ini?
(p/s: saya memang suka GOOGLE benda-benda yang tak pasti ni. Tapi kadang-kadang jawapan tak memenuhi kehendak saya. Maka, saya buat lah entri baru bagi sesiapa yang menghadapi kekeliruan macam saya ni)
*mungkin aku sorang je kot yang keliru. heh
![]() |
Atas: Borang Parcel 'Parcel Consignment Note' untuk Domestik Bawah: Borang Pos Laju Domestik |
![]() |
Parcel hendak di kirim ke Sarawak |
SAYS.MY: Get a hand-drawn movie poster with your name as a director.
Ever wanting to become a director?
Do you think you can spice up the film industry?
Can you take the challenge to change the mind set about our local movies?
Yes. You. Can
Kindly go through the hashtag #PlotSomethingDifferent and click on the link to get started!
1,2,3 Action!
You can get a poster with your name written on as the DIRECTOR!
oh gosh. That is awesome.
Ever wanting to become a director?
Do you think you can spice up the film industry?
Can you take the challenge to change the mind set about our local movies?
Yes. You. Can
Kindly go through the hashtag #PlotSomethingDifferent and click on the link to get started!
1,2,3 Action!
You can get a poster with your name written on as the DIRECTOR!
oh gosh. That is awesome.
SAYS.MY: Siapakah Razali dan Izyan?
Korang takkan percaya dengan ni boleh buat modal kahwin tau!
Ni yang bersemangat nak log in kat account tiap-tiap hari ni. =)
Mana tau ada rezeki lebih boleh la tampung kos nak kahwin....(walaupun tarikh dan dengan siapa tu masih tak pasti lagi..) tak apa, yang penting, menabung dan merancang.
cuba tengok blog diorang ni. alahai.
20 sen nampak sikit tapi mampu nak satu kan dua hati =)
20sen Pun Boleh Buat Kahwin (Klik link ni untuk baca kisah 20sen mereka ini)
pssst...Nak tau macam mana semuaaaa ni boleh terjadi, boleh klik (copy paste URL) profile Says.My saya =)
Korang takkan percaya dengan ni boleh buat modal kahwin tau!
Ni yang bersemangat nak log in kat account tiap-tiap hari ni. =)
Mana tau ada rezeki lebih boleh la tampung kos nak kahwin....(walaupun tarikh dan dengan siapa tu masih tak pasti lagi..) tak apa, yang penting, menabung dan merancang.
cuba tengok blog diorang ni. alahai.
20 sen nampak sikit tapi mampu nak satu kan dua hati =)
20sen Pun Boleh Buat Kahwin (Klik link ni untuk baca kisah 20sen mereka ini)
pssst...Nak tau macam mana semuaaaa ni boleh terjadi, boleh klik (copy paste URL) profile Says.My saya =)
SAYS.MY: [BREAKING] Why Malaysian women plan to ditch their partners in October.
Yes. I started again with Says.My or known as
Technically, you can grab promotions and discounts by registering with You promote the link and you get rewarded! easy huh? So yes. One of the promotions is what I already copied from the website or you can view it directly using the link below. =)
Let's Ditch Our Partner for Few Days!
Kindly click this link to claim your reward!
Kindly click this link to claim your reward!
KSL City Mall
Lot B1, Ground Floor
KSL City Mall
Lot B1, Ground Floor
12 & 13 October 2013
The Curve
Fashion Court, Ground Floor
The Curve
Fashion Court, Ground Floor
19 & 20 October 2013
AEON Station 18
South Court, Ground Floor
AEON Station 18
South Court, Ground Floor
26 & 27 October 2013
Have tea with us
and enjoy treats you deserve as a lady
and enjoy treats you deserve as a lady
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And a tea party worth pampering yourself with. Join us for an afternoon of grooming, fun and learning. All to help you appreciate how beautiful it is to be a lady.
And a tea party worth pampering yourself with. Join us for an afternoon of grooming, fun and learning. All to help you appreciate how beautiful it is to be a lady.
Exchange your personal experiences with
Elaine Daly (KL & Ipoh) and
Siow Hui Mei 萧慧敏 (JB)
Elaine Daly (KL & Ipoh) and
Siow Hui Mei 萧慧敏 (JB)
Be the first 200 ladies to register and
receive a door gift worth RM100
Old Post: Gemuk Itu Pilihan
Sila baca dengan tenang dan beri komen di akhir entri.
Entri ringkas lepas balik dari mamak. Secawan Milo panas kurang manis sebagai rutin bagi mata cepat lelap. Heh
Entri ringkas lepas balik dari mamak. Secawan Milo panas kurang manis sebagai rutin bagi mata cepat lelap. Heh
Kita ni kalau nak suruh orang tu berubah, kalau cakap elok-elok pun tak jalan, kita bagi je ber das-das perlian.
Macam ini:
Macam ini:
Tak penat ke bawak lemak ke hulu hilir?
Kita ni bila orang bagi cadangan untuk cuba sesuatu produk atau barang atau servis, cepat je skeptikal. Kalau dah selidik sebelum ni tak apa la jugak kan?
Ni baru buka mulut...
eh yeke barang ni bagus? Saya dengar.....
Kita ni bila orang bagi cadangan untuk cuba sesuatu produk atau barang atau servis, cepat je skeptikal. Kalau dah selidik sebelum ni tak apa la jugak kan?
Ni baru buka mulut...
eh yeke barang ni bagus? Saya dengar.....
"Saya dengar..." tu la yang kita tak nak dengar. Dia dengar entah daripada siapa pun tak tahu. Heh
Di ringkas kan cerita..bila kita kata produk ni boleh bantu kurang kan berat dengan harga RMX, kita skeptikal.
Cuba kalau benda percuma atau murah? Laju je rembat. Kan?
Keberkesanan? Belakang cerita.
Keberkesanan? Belakang cerita.
Kita ada cara nak mudah kan dia turun berat untuk memboleh kan dia bersenam. Tak kan la nak main terjah nak bersenam tanpa panduan?
Kita nak kurus, tapi tak nak cuba sesuatu yang bagus. Bukan ubat. Cuma bagi nutritious drink pada anda.
Lepas tu risau pasal senaman.
Awak ni nak jaga makan pun susah.
Apa tah lagi nak pergi bersenam. Kan?
Apa tah lagi nak pergi bersenam. Kan?
Kita bagi cadangan sebegini, tak nak ikut. Kita suruh jaga makan, degil.
Kita suruh bersenam, malas tahap dewa.
Kita suruh bersenam, malas tahap dewa.
Walaupun guna produk itu ini, tak semesti nya kita kata tak perlu bersenam. Ingat minum je, boleh duduk diam camtu?
Kita promote cara healthy lifestyle . Bukan nya macam pil kurus yang telan and terus kurus tanpa perlu buat apa-apa.
Itu bahaya dik..
Kita promote cara healthy lifestyle . Bukan nya macam pil kurus yang telan and terus kurus tanpa perlu buat apa-apa.
Itu bahaya dik..
Akhir sekali...
"Ala..berat dah naikkk"
"Ala..berat dah naikkk"
Tu je la yang mampu kan?
Saya dah kata. Pesan elok-elok, tak nak dengar. Dah kena perli macam ni, apa rasa?
Biar kata-kata tertusuk di dada dan telinga.
Biar ter kesan di hati.
Biar ter kesan di hati.
Akhir kata "Have You Had Your Shake Today?"
Mohon maaf andai terasa. Siap suruh tak dengar kata...? ;)
Old Post: 4 Tahun Tak Pernah Demam
Just a quick post after our FitClub session aka a morning exercise with vigorous activities which may cause soreness and pain to your muscles.
Which is GOOD. ;)
Just a quick post after our FitClub session aka a morning exercise with vigorous activities which may cause soreness and pain to your muscles.
Which is GOOD. ;)
So, people keep posting and sharing the benefits of drinking plain water.
Yeah, i know. Too many articles about
Drink 8 glasses of water
Plain water helps digestion
Yes. It is true.
So, in order to grab your attention, I have to make my topic a bit catchy.
Ya know. The 7 seconds strategy of advertising
(Okay. That is another story)
Yeah, i know. Too many articles about
Drink 8 glasses of water
Plain water helps digestion
Yes. It is true.
So, in order to grab your attention, I have to make my topic a bit catchy.
Ya know. The 7 seconds strategy of advertising
(Okay. That is another story)
My baby brother, age 16years old this year on September 2013 has never caught up with the usual sickness : Fever, Cough and Flu.
He did experienced high fever and terrible cough when he was a young boy. He's been admitted to the hospital for such terrible cough.
Then, as the story goes on and years passed by.... My baby brother has grown up. Bigger, muscular and taller than anyone of us in the family.
He did experienced high fever and terrible cough when he was a young boy. He's been admitted to the hospital for such terrible cough.
Then, as the story goes on and years passed by.... My baby brother has grown up. Bigger, muscular and taller than anyone of us in the family.
Alhamdulillah, to date up until now, he's in good condition. Never contracted any fever, flu or cough. Alhamdulillah.
Besides the health that has been granted by Allah S.W.T upon his wishes (sihat dengan izin Allah)
his secret is...
by drinking PLENTY amount of PLAIN WATER
Should i repeat my sentence?
Drink A LOT of plain water.
his secret is...
by drinking PLENTY amount of PLAIN WATER
Should i repeat my sentence?
Drink A LOT of plain water.
How much?
I could not say in the exact amount but let me give the illustration of:
Drinking 4 Tupperware bottles (1Litre each i think), 1 450ml blue bottle, 1 250ml green bottle.
Drinking 4 Tupperware bottles (1Litre each i think), 1 450ml blue bottle, 1 250ml green bottle.
(Upper Image from
(Second image from
(Second image from
He drinks 2 bottle of these. 1Litre each.
The 2nd picture is a 900ml tumbler. So he drinks 2 bottles from that container.
So, the total is like 3.8 liter. Add some more with those small bottles .
More or less, he drinks 4-5 liters of plain water everyday
The 2nd picture is a 900ml tumbler. So he drinks 2 bottles from that container.
So, the total is like 3.8 liter. Add some more with those small bottles .
More or less, he drinks 4-5 liters of plain water everyday
The problem is, whenever i want to re-fill my drinking bottle, there's no more water container left!
So i had to go and pick those bottles in his room and fill them in.
Yeah. That's my job.
To re-fill the water container and put it in the fridge. ;)
So i had to go and pick those bottles in his room and fill them in.
Yeah. That's my job.
To re-fill the water container and put it in the fridge. ;)
So, i decided to buy him a Herbalife water container.
(See picture below)
(Sorry. The uploader uploaded the files not according to my wish. Heh)
(See picture below)
(Sorry. The uploader uploaded the files not according to my wish. Heh)
This is the Herbalife 2Litre water bottle.
You can always check those bottles out or contact me to order it for you.
You can always check those bottles out or contact me to order it for you.
Stay hydrated. Always :)
Oh, you can check your urine color to know how hydrated you are.
Oh, you can check your urine color to know how hydrated you are.
(Image from
P/S: it is based on my experience. Any experts can share any stories by leaving your comments on the 'comments' section. Much appreciated :)
PP/S: Loose Weight Now. Ask Me How
Gain Weight Now, Ask Me How
Gain Weight Now, Ask Me How
Old Post: NEW Herbalife Price List for 2013!
Salam i heard from my coach (upline) yesterday that on March, there'll be an increase of 2.5% from the current price of the products. Tax duty imposed, i supposed. On imported products.
Oh Oh
*sigh* be honest, no one likes an increase on anything that they bought. It's a logic. No one likes price hike but everyone loves discounted items. LOGIC.
Never fret dear Herbalife users.
You can order NOW before the end of February with the current price.
Hurry up and stock up everything!
Also, you can always sign up to become a part of the business team with only RM98 per registration and you can enjoy up to 50% discount! You can buy with discounted price and also start making side income with Herbalife.
Oh, so you heard that it is a scam? Multi Level Marketing (MLM) business strategy? So do I.
But, i signed up anyhow. The income i received although it's not plentiful but enough for me in case of emergency. Bila aku sengkek, aku korek duit bisnes. Nampak tak kegunaan side-income business?
Do contact me by any means.
left a comment below or email me: Then i'll give you my phone number. =)
Old Post: Fast Food; Once In Your Mouth, A Lifetime on Your Hips
Once's been a while since my last entry. Yes..i'm busy. Nuff said. ;)
So today(17th June 2012), we 'embarked' on a journey to Setia City Mall,Shah Alam. A new mall situated at Setia Alam..which i once passed through that route on my way back from Kapar. So,me and my girls just want to 'waste' our time to see this mall.
Since today is the official opening day for the mall,it's packed with people. Yes,Malaysians love to linger around shopping malls during it during inflation or during recession or economic can always see malls are packed with people. Malaysians are rich and spendthrift you know......
Sale signs are eveeywhere! My eyes were about to popped. Almost 85% of the outlets have been occupied. The food court is soon to be opened...mind you.
I'm awfully hungry so we went for 'food hunt'. It's between Seoul Garden and Carls Jr.
As a person who is on must not choose fast food outlets. Nevertheless, we went to Carls Jr. Yeah. My worst nightmare. Jr. Nuff said. It's between balancing your diet regime and satisfying your hunger but you know that your diet will definitely go to the drain. As my head keep reminding me "Chilli Cheese Fries has 800++ calories...." it keeps resounding in my mind for umpteenth times. So,as i ordered....
Me: "yang Low Carb tu tak ada roti eh?"
Worker" "Low Carb tu takde roti".
So...there it goes. A sandwich meal without its bun. Hey, buns have a staggering amount of calories,you know........?! Oh,plus a hot chocolate too. Warm water to avoid those oils from clotting my arteries...........(yeah..i'm a health can say that for sure)
So..this is how that Low Carb Charbroiled Chicken Club Sandwich looks like
As a person who is on must not choose fast food outlets. Nevertheless, we went to Carls Jr. Yeah. My worst nightmare. Jr. Nuff said. It's between balancing your diet regime and satisfying your hunger but you know that your diet will definitely go to the drain. As my head keep reminding me "Chilli Cheese Fries has 800++ calories...." it keeps resounding in my mind for umpteenth times. So,as i ordered....
Me: "yang Low Carb tu tak ada roti eh?"
Worker" "Low Carb tu takde roti".
So...there it goes. A sandwich meal without its bun. Hey, buns have a staggering amount of calories,you know........?! Oh,plus a hot chocolate too. Warm water to avoid those oils from clotting my arteries...........(yeah..i'm a health can say that for sure)
So..this is how that Low Carb Charbroiled Chicken Club Sandwich looks like
Oh,i forgot to take a picture of the unwrapped sandwich. It's wrapped with loads of lettuce. It keeps dripping since the lettuce was still soaking wet plus the mayo in it. So, it's kinda mess for me to eat it. Deyy,kasi tus dulu la sayur tu!
I had to peel off those lettuce and finally got to eat the chicken patty with beef slice. Yes, i didnt eat those lettuce since it's effing mess! Later on, i had the urge to order those Chilli Cheese Fries. What's Carls Jr without Chilli Fries.'s mouth-watering by just thinking about it. Yeah. I'm crazy about it. I tried to persuade a friend to share the portion with me.. Then,i bought it with the price of RM9 (after tax..). We ate it together with 4 of us. Yes, you can imagine how it tasted.
FYI,it's my first ever french fries meal in almost 3 months after i started with my diet routine. Before this,i just ate a few just to satisfy my craving. Like they said 'jamah je' ... So, i felt extremely guilty for that 'guilty pleasure' moment. I ate half of it and took it back. I told my friends that i'm going to fast (puasa) for the whole week as to redeem such guilt.
It took effort and will power to resist such temptations. Indeed, the last time i went to Carls Jr is during towards the end of year 2011. I promise myself that i would never set my foot to fast food outlets. If i want to,i have to climb a mountain to burn out those calories!!
The closest fast food outlets i can go is KFC with limited choice of menu to eat. 'Beauty is pain'. Do not forget that....
P/S: my friends noticed about my weight loss and i took it as a compliment. Much more Kilos to shed! I really need to weigh myself since it's been 2 weeks without weighing session. :(
Shall i write entries about my diet routine?..................
Old Post: Blogging Needs Time
Just few words before heading to sleep.
I love to write but i don't really have the time to blog
I read my previous posts on my blog and i am amazed with what i have written. Haha.
Not to puji diri sendiri but on few of my entries, i felf ashamed after re-reading it.
Oh shucks! What have i done.......*facepalm*
I'm sorry if i made few grammatical errors since i didnt read many books and my vocabulary and sentences all had gone haywire.
Yes,i learned English through reading books and i dont really pay much attention to word structure and grammar. As long as the words fit, just use it.
Well, till next time! :-)
Just few words before heading to sleep.
I love to write but i don't really have the time to blog
I read my previous posts on my blog and i am amazed with what i have written. Haha.
Not to puji diri sendiri but on few of my entries, i felf ashamed after re-reading it.
Oh shucks! What have i done.......*facepalm*
I'm sorry if i made few grammatical errors since i didnt read many books and my vocabulary and sentences all had gone haywire.
Yes,i learned English through reading books and i dont really pay much attention to word structure and grammar. As long as the words fit, just use it.
Well, till next time! :-)
Old Post: Towards The End of March 2012
Yes, i've been absent from blogging a bit though i have a lot in my mind.
But today, i just want to upload a few pictures of my traffic summon i received today! :-)
On the UNLUCKY day of 27thMarch, i've been very suwey today.
My second road violation happened today when i parked at the road side infront of Assunta Hospital to visit my sick daddy. :( i've been so stingy to pay the parking ticket that cost a whopping amount of RM2.20 for the first hour and RM1.00 for the next hour. Yeah, i'm so kedekut when it comes to the usage of my TnG card.
Hey, i need my TnG very badly okay??! To and forth Sepang-Shah Alam almost every weekend. It cost a lot if you accumulate the total of tolls i need to pay.
Yes, i've been absent from blogging a bit though i have a lot in my mind.
But today, i just want to upload a few pictures of my traffic summon i received today! :-)
On the UNLUCKY day of 27thMarch, i've been very suwey today.
My second road violation happened today when i parked at the road side infront of Assunta Hospital to visit my sick daddy. :( i've been so stingy to pay the parking ticket that cost a whopping amount of RM2.20 for the first hour and RM1.00 for the next hour. Yeah, i'm so kedekut when it comes to the usage of my TnG card.
Hey, i need my TnG very badly okay??! To and forth Sepang-Shah Alam almost every weekend. It cost a lot if you accumulate the total of tolls i need to pay.
So,i was very unfortunate today to get a love letter from the traffic officer (screw you Mister!) that says i committed an offence according to Road Transport Act blablabla.
(Do you want me to go check the act?i can do so!)
It says that i had TWO offences....BUT.. It didnt state what are the offences that i commit.
They just list down all of the offences at the back. C'mon.. I need to know what offences did i do? They just wrote Place of offence:Depan Assunta. So? If you cant park there, why do i see lots of cars parked outside the hospital? Just put a sign saying NO PARKING la! (i may sound stupid but i pointed out what's lacking here)
The summon listed 10 types of offences. Should i choose which offences did i violate?
NYATA Kan lah wahai penguatkuasa.
Did i obstruct te traffic? NO.
Did i park near the Fire Hydrant? NO.
The only possible offence i did make is by parking within 30 ft of road junction or corner.
Where's my second offence Mister?
Encik ni main tulis je berapa kesalahan ye? At least,put a tick or mark at the list of offences i did violate. Get it?
Nak jadi pengutkuasa,kuasai dulu ilmu. Pastikan tindakan anda tu tepat dan orang tak boleh nak counter claim.
(Do you want me to go check the act?i can do so!)
It says that i had TWO offences....BUT.. It didnt state what are the offences that i commit.
They just list down all of the offences at the back. C'mon.. I need to know what offences did i do? They just wrote Place of offence:Depan Assunta. So? If you cant park there, why do i see lots of cars parked outside the hospital? Just put a sign saying NO PARKING la! (i may sound stupid but i pointed out what's lacking here)
The summon listed 10 types of offences. Should i choose which offences did i violate?
NYATA Kan lah wahai penguatkuasa.
Did i obstruct te traffic? NO.
Did i park near the Fire Hydrant? NO.
The only possible offence i did make is by parking within 30 ft of road junction or corner.
Where's my second offence Mister?
Encik ni main tulis je berapa kesalahan ye? At least,put a tick or mark at the list of offences i did violate. Get it?
Nak jadi pengutkuasa,kuasai dulu ilmu. Pastikan tindakan anda tu tepat dan orang tak boleh nak counter claim.
Do i sound stupid for arguing this kind of thing?i think i am not. For god sake, it's my money! Of course i would go crazy and might run amok for this stupid compound n summon!
Then,the third summon i received from my mom saying letter from JPJ regarding speed trap. For god sake. Screw you high speed camera!
Yeah. As mentioned in the letter, i was speeding at 103 km/h when the speed limit is 90. Screw you! I am in a bit of rush since i need to get home ASAP to do my course registration.
I never think that there will be any speed trap . Double bad luck for today *big sigh*
So, this speed trap letter took almost 3 weeks to reach me. I dont have time to give a damn about this summons.
So, i googled places for me to pay these compounds.all i could read is about news regarding people swarming the traffic counter to pay their summons. I dont know the place since i am a 'good citizen' and these petty things caused trouble to me. Traffic offences happened to those who drive small,local cars and not any Porsche or Ferrari.weird!. Oh my! Could i just shove the money right infront of the officers and say "Shut up and take my money!". ( is this statement considered as wrongful? Yeah, i do know that public servants has rights and immunity when it comes to exercising their powers. So,better not offend them or pay the consequences!)
Hey,chill. Just a statement written in my personal blog. No offense officer! ;)
I never think that there will be any speed trap . Double bad luck for today *big sigh*
So, this speed trap letter took almost 3 weeks to reach me. I dont have time to give a damn about this summons.
So, i googled places for me to pay these compounds.all i could read is about news regarding people swarming the traffic counter to pay their summons. I dont know the place since i am a 'good citizen' and these petty things caused trouble to me. Traffic offences happened to those who drive small,local cars and not any Porsche or Ferrari.weird!. Oh my! Could i just shove the money right infront of the officers and say "Shut up and take my money!". ( is this statement considered as wrongful? Yeah, i do know that public servants has rights and immunity when it comes to exercising their powers. So,better not offend them or pay the consequences!)
Hey,chill. Just a statement written in my personal blog. No offense officer! ;)
C'mon, police officers are human too! Like you never see few police cars speeding on the highways or did few traffic offences like didnt give signal before heading left/right. I saw that few times. Yeah. People make mistakes.
So....can my traffic summons be reduced? Cut the slack will ya? Student got no money lahh.
I only have half of my PTPTN money right now. Need to survive till june! Could you?
I only have half of my PTPTN money right now. Need to survive till june! Could you?
Whatever it is..i'm so pissed off today! Daddy is at the hospital and i need to pay these summons. My diet program and those protein shakes that i need to buy. Please,let money drop from the sky!
Sorry if i sounded stupid for arguing these matters. If you dont care for your money, pay for my summons lah! My money,my rights.
Old Post: I Can Sense Death
Yes. Scary but true story bro
I believe there are few or many others who experienced such thing.
maybe it's a sign from Allah.
Scary huh?? :O
The topic of this post is actually based on the movie 'Sixth Sense', when that boy (i cant recall his name) saying "i can see dead people".
Mine is quite similar but i dont see dead people (Nauzubillah/ God forbidden).
Lately, i just keep getting uneasy feelings. It started once before my final exams. Then, during my finals, i had this unease feelings for almost three to four days. Along that time, i kept receiving or reading about death news. Nauzubillah. It may be a coincidence but it surely scared me!
The thought of death is just terrifying. I thought that i might be facing death since people said that those who are near to death will get those 'feeling' , somewhat 'premonition' that they would die. Nauzubillah.
The thought of death is just terrifying. I thought that i might be facing death since people said that those who are near to death will get those 'feeling' , somewhat 'premonition' that they would die. Nauzubillah.
However,during that period of time,after i got that uneasy feelings, then i read/received death news either on Twitter or Facebook. After i heard that news, that uneasy feeling (rasa tak sedap hati) disappeared.
That feeling is not in continuous. I think i'm almost crazy at that moment.
That feeling is not in continuous. I think i'm almost crazy at that moment.
Aku pernah baca satu tweet ni yang kata, kalau ada rasa berdenyut kat dahi/kening lepas waktu asar,tu tanda nya tu asar terakhir dia. (menakutkan bukan?)
Perasaan tak sedap hati tu muncul kejap pastu hilang masa final exam semester tiga. Aku nak sedapkan hati,ingat tu perasaan nervous sebab exam. Lepas habis paper Moral&Ethics pada 17Januari lepas, aku dengan kawan2 keluar makan dekat Tupai-Tupai. Masa nak keluar kereta,aku terasa kening belah kiri atas aku berdenyut. Masa tu, seriau bukan main. Meremang bulu tengkuk aku.aku bagitahu kat dua orang kawan aku yang tumpang kereta aku tu. Sorang cakap,yang dia pernah dengar pasal tanda2 akhir orang nak mati. Lagi la aku kecut perut. Seorang ni pun meng iya kan.tapi dia kata,dia pun pernah beberapa kali rasa berdenyut tu.dia kata jangan risau lah. Aku saja bergurau supaya diorang doakan aku panjang umur tapi kawan aku yang tenangkan aku tu pesan supaya kalau berdoa bukan sahaja panjang umur. Doa lah kalau di kurniakan usia yang panjang, minta supaya umur di berkati.apa guna usia panjang tapi selalu buat maksiat kan?
Oleh sebab itu, selalu lah doa agar kita di matikan dalam iman (mati dalam khusnul khatimah).
Perasaan tak sedap hati tu muncul kejap pastu hilang masa final exam semester tiga. Aku nak sedapkan hati,ingat tu perasaan nervous sebab exam. Lepas habis paper Moral&Ethics pada 17Januari lepas, aku dengan kawan2 keluar makan dekat Tupai-Tupai. Masa nak keluar kereta,aku terasa kening belah kiri atas aku berdenyut. Masa tu, seriau bukan main. Meremang bulu tengkuk aku.aku bagitahu kat dua orang kawan aku yang tumpang kereta aku tu. Sorang cakap,yang dia pernah dengar pasal tanda2 akhir orang nak mati. Lagi la aku kecut perut. Seorang ni pun meng iya kan.tapi dia kata,dia pun pernah beberapa kali rasa berdenyut tu.dia kata jangan risau lah. Aku saja bergurau supaya diorang doakan aku panjang umur tapi kawan aku yang tenangkan aku tu pesan supaya kalau berdoa bukan sahaja panjang umur. Doa lah kalau di kurniakan usia yang panjang, minta supaya umur di berkati.apa guna usia panjang tapi selalu buat maksiat kan?
Oleh sebab itu, selalu lah doa agar kita di matikan dalam iman (mati dalam khusnul khatimah).
Lepas kejadian tu,esok nya,asal masuk asar je,aku dah seriau. Macam tunggu masa nak mati je. Ya Allah, takut nya perasaan ini. Balik je rumah untuk cuti semester,aku bagitau mak aku yang aku rasa tak sedap hati,aku bagitau yg aku dapat rasa ada orang nak mati. Mak aku cakap,setiap hari orang mati. Mak aku cuba buat aku tenang. Lega la juga bila dapat luahkan dekat mak. Perasaan tu berlarutan selama beberapa hari. Kali terakhir aku rasa tak sedap hati masa petang Arwah Izwan Pilus meninggal dunia.tapi perasaan tu tak kuat sangat macam yang sebelum ni. Aku bagitau mak aku yang aku ada rasa tak sedap hati petang tu. Pastu aku check twitter,diorang bagitau Arwah Izwan, meninggal dunia. Tapi mak aku kata "ish,merepek je lah". :/
Aku mengadu kat kawan aku melalui BBM,dia bagitahu yang bagus lah kalau aku ingat mati. Satu perbuatan yang bijak. Dia kata tu mungkin bisikan Iblis laknatullah. Dia pesan supaya aku banyakkan selawat dan baca surah Al-Hasyr.
Kemudian,perasaan tu hilang kejap sebab aku "off duty" aka ABC (Allah bagi cuti).
Sekarang,masa tengah tulis post ni,perasaan tak sedap hati tu datang balik. Masalah nya,perasaan tu bukan rasa tak sedap hati pasal benda buruk nak berlaku. Perasaan tu macam terarah kepada kematian,macam ada orang nak mati. Nauzubillah.
Bila ingat balik, cuti hujung minggu ni sempena Maulud Nabi, aku satu family nak pergi Penang,ada kenduri kahwin. Ikut planning,aku akan drive ke Penang. Bila aku fikir2 balik, aku harap tak berlaku kejadian apa-apa sepanjang perjalanan pergi dan balik dari Penang tu. Seriau sangattttt. Allahuakbar.
Sekarang,masa tengah tulis post ni,perasaan tak sedap hati tu datang balik. Masalah nya,perasaan tu bukan rasa tak sedap hati pasal benda buruk nak berlaku. Perasaan tu macam terarah kepada kematian,macam ada orang nak mati. Nauzubillah.
Bila ingat balik, cuti hujung minggu ni sempena Maulud Nabi, aku satu family nak pergi Penang,ada kenduri kahwin. Ikut planning,aku akan drive ke Penang. Bila aku fikir2 balik, aku harap tak berlaku kejadian apa-apa sepanjang perjalanan pergi dan balik dari Penang tu. Seriau sangattttt. Allahuakbar.
Aku pun ada terfikir,semenjak perasaan tak sedap hati tu datang,aku terfikir nak buat wasiat. Sebab alang-alang belajar subjek Equity and Trust kannnn... ;)
Kita tak tahu bila kematian itu datang. Kita kena persiapkan diri. Yang mana urusan dunia ni,kita cepat-cepat selesaikan.Contoh nya,macam harta,hutang dsb.
Kita tak tahu bila kematian itu datang. Kita kena persiapkan diri. Yang mana urusan dunia ni,kita cepat-cepat selesaikan.Contoh nya,macam harta,hutang dsb.
Aku memang ada nak buat personal will dan aku akan post kan dekat blog. Walaupun aku tak tahu la siapa akan baca,tapi sekurang-kurang nya, dah di publish kat Internet,kan?
Apa-apa pun, aku doakan agar aku dan ahli keluarga serta ahli keluarga lain selamat, di panjangkan usia dan di tetapkan iman. (Amiinnn).
Aku takut nak buat will atau wasiat tu sekarang,takut rasa macam nak mati pula. Ish! Tapi memang itu benda yang pasti,kan?
Nak taip entri ni pun dada aku berdebar-debar.nak tulis kata-kata terakhir pun jari aku dah rasa sejuuuuk je. Takut orang ingat ni kata-kata terakhir aku.
Ya Allah, hilangkan lah perasaan gundah gulana ku ini berilah ketenangan pada hati ini.
Mungkin Allah nak bagi petunjuk,kot....?
Tapi kalau betul aku ada sixth sense yang dapat rasa kematian, ish...mintak simpang. Tak tenang,TAHU???
P/S,sekira nya apa-apa berlaku,doakan lah untuk kesejahteraan aku dan keluarga aku ye. Sedekahkan Al-Fatihah dan apa-apa yang patut lah.(ok..sumpah seriau bila aku tulis ni)
Syara aqilah bt Sakdon :-)
Syara aqilah bt Sakdon :-)
*nak post entri ni kat Twitter.jarap ada orang baca dan bagi nasihat ke, supaya aku berasa tenang.* terima kasih :-)
Sunday, 6 October 2013
Old Post: If In Doubt, Just GOOGLE It
Just a quick post since i'm between watching TV,checking on Twitter and holding my tab. I intend to open up 9Gag afterwards when suddenly, all sorts of words and sentences formed in my head. I did not have the intention to tweet since once i start tweeting, i'll be glued to the Timeline and forgot about the TV and....of course..9GAG. ;)
The topic for this post is taken from my previous tweet "If in doubt,just GOOGLE it". I dont know if there's any similar tweet or post regarding this sentence. I hope not ;)
I was just replying comments on Facebook between me and my course mate whom i called as ototo (little brother in Japanese). He mentioned about the word usai. Sounds familiar? NO? YES? Usai means 'sudah' or done. He said that "GOOGLE kan ada" (just GOOGLE it)..
So i replied that i am familiar with the word but i forgot its meaning since it's such an uncommon word to be used nowadays in conversations or in writings unless you're writing for Karangan Bahasa Malaysia or citing a poem whatsoever. I added "kalau semua benda nak di GOOGLE,apa guna peribahasa malu bertanya,sesat jalan".
So i replied that i am familiar with the word but i forgot its meaning since it's such an uncommon word to be used nowadays in conversations or in writings unless you're writing for Karangan Bahasa Malaysia or citing a poem whatsoever. I added "kalau semua benda nak di GOOGLE,apa guna peribahasa malu bertanya,sesat jalan".
Agree or disagree?
If everything needs to be GOOGLEd, then,no further questions or any doubts should be raised since the answer will be "Just GOOGLE it".
My foot!
I use GOOGLE as a search engine to search for my assignments or aid me wit any extra information. I dont GOOGLE words. That's the function of Mr. Dictionary aka Mr.Dict.
Is it justified to replace Dictionary with GOOGLE? I know you can easily do just that..but..
Be reasonable.
Is it justified to replace Dictionary with GOOGLE? I know you can easily do just that..but..
Be reasonable.
Kalau semua benda nak di GOOGLE,aku tak tanya orang la lepas ni. Buat ikut pandai sendiri je kan? Ada sesetengah jawapan yang kita tahu,bagi la jawapan terus kat orang tu kan? Ada suruh orang pergi GOOGLE jawapan.....??
Act in according to a reasonable manner.
Point to ponder: What if Mr GOOGLE suddenly crash? Or shuts down? Or...i dont know. Is it possible for a search engine to crash down? Plausible. ;)
Old Post: I Hate To Be Left Hanging
Before reading this post, please bear in your mind that this is an old post of mine.
As ridiculous as it seems, I can't help but to love my own words. Haha,
You know the writings are sincere enough when you started laughing while reading your old blog posts right?
"How could i wrote that?" etc.
When you are sincere enough, you don't think. You just wrote it down.
.....and bear the consequences and humiliation! ;)
It's been a while since I post anything on my blog. I felt ashamed posting on emotional stuffs. Eventhough it's my personal blog, I publicized it so people could read. Yeah, who really wants to read my blog eyh? *smirk*
It's been a while since I post anything on my blog. I felt ashamed posting on emotional stuffs. Eventhough it's my personal blog, I publicized it so people could read. Yeah, who really wants to read my blog eyh? *smirk*
Yeah. I just want to make a quick post here.
If any particular person reading this blog..I really hope that person could reach me as soon as possible. I haven't heard from that person for almost a month.
I tried to call a few times. No ones picking up. Few voicemails left. Unanswered.
I tried to call a few times. No ones picking up. Few voicemails left. Unanswered.
If that person is reading this blog, please come forward. I hope the contents from my blog doesn't affected that person or anything. I blog to express. If I have time, I'll definitely have a fancy blog. The problem is, I don't have much time to make Crayola Art on my blog.
Ok.cut the crap.
I just hate to be left alone.
People leave footprints. But SOME people just left, unheard.
Sometimes I asked myself "what did I do wrong?"
I just hate to be treated like this.
If people aren't planning to stay, don't come at all at first and LEFT.
I just hate to be treated like this.
If people aren't planning to stay, don't come at all at first and LEFT.
I just hate to be left hanging. It's either leave me or stay with me. Don't hang me. I'll suffer.
*pray for miracle*
Old Post: Daddy's Little Girl
Re-Post from my old blog about a message i received from my BBM (people already moved on from Blackberry. haiya.hahahaha)
Mungkin ibu lbh kerap menelefon utk menanyakan keadaan kita setiap hari..
Tp tahukah kita, sebenar nya ayah lah yg mengingatkan ibu utk menelefon kita?
Mungkin ibu lbh kerap menelefon utk menanyakan keadaan kita setiap hari..
Tp tahukah kita, sebenar nya ayah lah yg mengingatkan ibu utk menelefon kita?
Semasa kecil, ibu lah yg lebih sering mendukung kita..
Tp tahukah kita bhw sebaik saja ayah pulang bekerja dgn wajah yg letih ayahlah slalu menanyakan apa yg kita lakukan seharian ?
Tp tahukah kita bhw sebaik saja ayah pulang bekerja dgn wajah yg letih ayahlah slalu menanyakan apa yg kita lakukan seharian ?
Saat kita sakit@demam, ayah sering membentak "sudah diberitahu! jgn minum ais!".
Tp tahukah kamu bahwa ayah sangat risau.??
Tp tahukah kamu bahwa ayah sangat risau.??
Ketika kita remaja, kita meminta izin untk keluar malam. Ayah dgn tegas berkata "tidak boleh!"
Sadarkah kita bhw ayah hany ingin menjaga kita? Krn bagi ayah, kita adlh sesuatu yg sangat berharga.
Sadarkah kita bhw ayah hany ingin menjaga kita? Krn bagi ayah, kita adlh sesuatu yg sangat berharga.
Saat kita sudah d percayai, ayahpun melonggarkan peraturannya. Maka kita telah melangar kpercayaan nya...
Maka ayah lah yg setia menunggu kita di ruang tamu dgn rasa sangat risau..
Maka ayah lah yg setia menunggu kita di ruang tamu dgn rasa sangat risau..
Stelah kita dewasa,ayah telah mghantar kita ke sekolah@kolej untuk belajar..
Di saat kita memerlukan ini-itu, utk keperluan kuliah kita, ayah hanya mengerutkan dahi.
tanpa menolak, beliau memenuhinya..
Saat kamu berjaya.. Ayah adlh org pertama yg berdiri dan bertepuk tangan untukmu.. Ayah akan tersenyum dngan bangga..
Di saat kita memerlukan ini-itu, utk keperluan kuliah kita, ayah hanya mengerutkan dahi.
tanpa menolak, beliau memenuhinya..
Saat kamu berjaya.. Ayah adlh org pertama yg berdiri dan bertepuk tangan untukmu.. Ayah akan tersenyum dngan bangga..
Sampai ketika jodoh kita telah datang dan meminta izin untuk mengambil kita dari ayah..
Ayah sangat berhati-hati mengizinkan nya
Ayah sangat berhati-hati mengizinkan nya
Dan akhirnya..
Saat ayah melihat kita duduk di atas plamin bersama pasangan nya .,ayahpun tersenyum bahagia..
Apa kita tahu,bhw ayah sempat pergi ke belakang dan menangis?
Ayah menangis krn ayah sangat bahagia.
Dan iapun berdoa "Ya Tuhan, tugasku telah selesai dgn baik.
Bahagiakan lah putra putri kecilku yg manis bersama pasangannya"..
Saat ayah melihat kita duduk di atas plamin bersama pasangan nya .,ayahpun tersenyum bahagia..
Apa kita tahu,bhw ayah sempat pergi ke belakang dan menangis?
Ayah menangis krn ayah sangat bahagia.
Dan iapun berdoa "Ya Tuhan, tugasku telah selesai dgn baik.
Bahagiakan lah putra putri kecilku yg manis bersama pasangannya"..
Setelah itu ayah hanya akan menunggu kedatangan kita brsma cucu-cucunya yg sesekali dtg utk menjenguk..
Dengan rambut yg memutih dan badan yg tak lagi kuat untuk menjaga kita..
Dengan rambut yg memutih dan badan yg tak lagi kuat untuk menjaga kita..
p/s: can i forward this to my dad for his birthday next March 2014? heeeeeeee....
Old Post: Happy International Women's Day!
Today, 8th March 2011 marks the celebration of Women's Day which I don't know the existence of this day. Hee.. Since I think, women should be celebrated everyday.. Likewise in Father's Day, Mother's Day, etc.. Everyday we should appreciate them. But it's nice to know there's a day to celebrate women around the world! You go Women!
Here's a BBM message broad casted by my friend which I copied it down as a light reading for you ;)
Here's a BBM message broad casted by my friend which I copied it down as a light reading for you ;)
Men are stronger than women?
Oh Please!!
Can you bleed for a week and survive?
Can you squeeze a 14 inch baby from a 10 Centimeter Hole?
Can you carry a 7 pound baby in your stomach for 9 months?
Can you take care of a child, cook, clean AND talk on the phone @ one time?
Can you carry a 108 lb shopping bag?
Can you go a week only eating salad?
Can you face heartbreak?
Can you watch the love of your life be with some one else?
Can you burn your forehead with a curling iron and not complain?
Can you walk all day in 5 inch heels?
Can you cry all night then wake up the next morning like everything is okay?
Oh Please!!
Can you bleed for a week and survive?
Can you squeeze a 14 inch baby from a 10 Centimeter Hole?
Can you carry a 7 pound baby in your stomach for 9 months?
Can you take care of a child, cook, clean AND talk on the phone @ one time?
Can you carry a 108 lb shopping bag?
Can you go a week only eating salad?
Can you face heartbreak?
Can you watch the love of your life be with some one else?
Can you burn your forehead with a curling iron and not complain?
Can you walk all day in 5 inch heels?
Can you cry all night then wake up the next morning like everything is okay?
I don't think so..
Ladies, pass this on.. cheers to u ladies!
Men, eat that! =D
Ladies, pass this on.. cheers to u ladies!
Men, eat that! =D
Happy international women's day!
Disagree with it? Come onnn.. It's undesireably true! I know it sounds sexist but.. You can't deny the facts stated above,right? ;)
Bottom line is, Men and Women complement each other..we need each other. Without men,women doesn't exist.. And vice versa too!
So, when is it the 'International Men's Day'? I don't think they have...! (BIG GRIN*) :D
So, when is it the 'International Men's Day'? I don't think they have...! (BIG GRIN*) :D
Anyway, you go girls/women!
Keep your pride, honour and dignity up!Keep your emotions in control,be positive,be patient, be loving and be SMART! :)
Keep your pride, honour and dignity up!Keep your emotions in control,be positive,be patient, be loving and be SMART! :)
Old Post: Appreciate Love
I just want to share this beautiful article or note found in Facebook. Actually, i have heard of this story before. Since i have found this note..let me share a story on 'Appreciating Love' .. like i said when i posted this note "it took rocks and stones to build a marriage, but it took only a bulldozer to end one" . Likewise as in relationships..
The issue is not to blame the husband or the wife.. The issue is..How we appreciate our love do we show it to them?
Showing your love doesn't mean you should tell as one person once told me '"Love Is Silent" which i don't agree with it 100%.. (haha..). But at some points in life.. it does.. Love is Silent.. But,it applies on a certain degree or situations only. You could express it as a sign of confirmation. Lets read the story...
by: Kimmies Floral (Facebook)
When I got home that night as my wife served dinner, I held her hand and said, I've got something to tell you. She sat down and ate quietly. Again I observed the hurt in her eyes.
Suddenly I didn't know how to open my mouth. But I had to let her know what I was thinking. I want a divorce. I raised the topic calmly.
She didn't seem to be annoyed by my words, instead she asked me softly, I avoided her question. This made her angry. She threw away the chopsticks and shouted at me, you are not a man! That night, we didn't talk to each other. She was weeping. I knew she wanted to find out what had happened to our marriage. But I could hardly give her a satisfactory answer; she had lost my heart to Jane. I didn't love her anymore. I just pitied her!
With a deep sense of guilt, I drafted a divorce agreement which stated that she could own our house, our car, and 30% stake of my company.
She glanced at it and then tore it into pieces. The woman who had spent ten years of her life with me had become a stranger. I felt sorry for her wasted time, resources and energy but I could not take back what I had said for I loved Jane so dearly. Finally she cried loudly in front of me, which was what I had expected to see. To me her cry was actually a kind of release. The idea of divorce which had obsessed me for several weeks seemed to be firmer and clearer now.
The next day, I came back home very late and found her writing something at the table. I didn't have supper but went straight to sleep and fell asleep very fast because I was tired after an eventful day with When I woke up, she was still there at the table writing. I just did not care so I turned over and was asleep again.
In the morning she presented her divorce conditions: she didn't want anything from me, but needed a month's notice before the divorce. She requested that in that one month we both struggle to live as normal a life as possible. Her reasons were simple: our son had his exams in a month's time and she didn't want to disrupt him with our broken marriage.
This was agreeable to me. But she had something more, she asked me to recall how I had carried her into out bridal room on our wedding day.She requested that every day for the month's duration I carry her out of our bedroom to the front door ever morning. I thought she was going crazy. Just to make our last days together bearable I accepted her odd request.
I told Jane about my wife's divorce conditions. . She laughed loudly and thought it was absurd. No matter what tricks she applies, she has to face the divorce, she said scornfully.
My wife and I hadn't had any body contact since my divorce intention was explicitly expressed. So when I carried her out on the first day, we both appeared clumsy. Our son clapped behind us, daddy is holding mommy in his arms. His words brought me a sense of pain. From the bedroom to the sitting room, then to the door, I walked over ten meters with her in my arms. She closed her eyes and said softly; don't tell our son about the divorce. I nodded, feeling somewhat upset. I put her down outsidethe door. She went to wait for the bus to work. I drove alone to the office.
On the second day, both of us acted much more easily. She leaned on my chest. I could smell the fragrance of her blouse. I realized that I hadn't looked at this woman carefully for a long time. I realized she was not young any more. There were fine wrinkles on her face, her hair was graying! Our marriage had taken its toll on her. For a minute I wondered what I had done to her.
On the fourth day, when I lifted her up, I felt a sense of intimacy returning. This was the woman who had given ten years of her life to me.
On the fifth and sixth day, I realized that our sense of intimacy was growing again. I didn't tell Jane about this. It became easier to carry her as the month slipped by. Perhaps the everyday workout made me stronger.
She was choosing what to wear one morning. She tried on quite a few dresses but could not find a suitable one. Then she sighed, all my dresses have grown bigger. I suddenly realized that she had grown so thin, that was the reason why I could carry her more easily.Suddenly it hit me... she had buried so much pain and bitterness in her heart. Subconsciously I reached out and touched her head.
Our son came in at the moment and said, Dad, it's time to carry mom out. To him, seeing his father carrying his mother out had become an essential part of his life. My wife gestured to our son to come closer and hugged him tightly. I turned my face away because I was afraid I might change my mind at this last minute. I then held her in my arms, walking from the bedroom, through the sitting room, to the hallway. Her hand surrounded my neck softly and naturally. I held her body tightly; it was just like our wedding day.
But her much lighter weight made me sad. On the last day, when I held her in my arms I could hardly move a step. Our son had gone to school. I held her tightly and said, I hadn't noticed that our life lacked intimacy.
I drove to office.... jumped out of the car swiftly without locking the door. I was afraid any delay would make me change my mind...I walked upstairs. Jane opened the door and I said to her, Sorry, Jane, I do not want the divorce anymore.
She looked at me, astonished, and then touched my forehead. Do you have a fever? She said. I moved her hand off my head. Sorry, Jane, I said, I won't divorce. My marriage life was boring probably because she and I didn't value the details of our lives, not because we didn't love each other anymore. Now I realize that since I carried her into my home on our wedding day I am supposed to hold her until death do us apart.
Jane seemed to suddenly wake up. She gave me a loud slap and then slammed the door and burst into tears. I walked downstairs and drove away.
At the floral shop on the way, I ordered a bouquet of flowers for my wife. The salesgirl asked me what to write on the card. I smiled and wrote, I'll carry you out every morning until death do us apart.
That evening I arrived home, flowers in my hands, a smile on my face, I run up stairs, only to find my wife in the bed - dead.
My wife had been fighting CANCER for months and I was so busy with Jane to even notice. She knew that she would die soon and she wanted to save me from the whatever negative reaction from our son, in case we push thru with the divorce.-- At least, in the eyes of our son--- I'm a loving husband....
The small details of your lives are what really matter in a relationship. It is not the mansion, the car, property, the money in the bank. These create an environment conducive for happiness but cannot give happiness in themselves. So find time to be your spouse's friend and do those little things for each other that build intimacy. Do have a real happy marriage!
If you don't share this, nothing will happen to you.
If you do, you just might save a marriage.
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
(sniffs*) i'm touched! =')
"To some people, love doesn't exist unless you acknowledge it in front of other people."- ReTweet from @ihatequotes!/ihatequotes(from Twitter)
The bottom line is.. appreciate people around you who loves you.. especially those near to your heart..As the sayings often say "you don't realize what you have until it's gone". It's TRUE.
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