Monday, 7 October 2013

Old Post: Towards The End of March 2012

Yes, i've been absent from blogging a bit though i have a lot in my mind.
But today, i just want to upload a few pictures of my traffic summon i received today! :-)
On the UNLUCKY day of 27thMarch, i've been very suwey today.
My second road violation happened today when i parked at the road side infront of Assunta Hospital to visit my sick daddy. :( i've been so stingy to pay the parking ticket that cost a whopping amount of RM2.20 for the first hour and RM1.00 for the next hour. Yeah, i'm so kedekut when it comes to the usage of my TnG card.
Hey, i need my TnG very badly okay??! To and forth Sepang-Shah Alam almost every weekend. It cost a lot if you accumulate the total of tolls i need to pay.
So,i was very unfortunate today to get a love letter from the traffic officer (screw you Mister!) that says i committed an offence according to Road Transport Act blablabla.
(Do you want me to go check the act?i can do so!)
It says that i had TWO offences....BUT.. It didnt state what are the offences that i commit.
They just list down all of the offences at the back. C'mon.. I need to know what offences did i do? They just wrote Place of offence:Depan Assunta. So? If you cant park there, why do i see lots of cars parked outside the hospital? Just put a sign saying NO PARKING la! (i may sound stupid but i pointed out what's lacking here)
The summon listed 10 types of offences. Should i choose which offences did i violate?
NYATA Kan lah wahai penguatkuasa.
Did i obstruct te traffic? NO.
Did i park near the Fire Hydrant? NO.
The only possible offence i did make is by parking within 30 ft of road junction or corner.
Where's my second offence Mister?
Encik ni main tulis je berapa kesalahan ye? At least,put a tick or mark at the list of offences i did violate. Get it?
Nak jadi pengutkuasa,kuasai dulu ilmu. Pastikan tindakan anda tu tepat dan orang tak boleh nak counter claim.
Do i sound stupid for arguing this kind of thing?i think i am not. For god sake, it's my money! Of course i would go crazy and might run amok for this stupid compound n summon!
Then,the third summon i received from my mom saying  letter from JPJ regarding speed trap. For god sake. Screw you high speed camera!
Yeah. As mentioned in the letter, i was speeding at 103 km/h when the speed limit is 90. Screw you! I am in a bit of rush since i need to get home ASAP to do my course registration.
I never think that there will be any speed trap . Double bad luck for today *big sigh*
So, this speed trap letter took almost 3 weeks to reach me. I dont have time to give a damn about this summons.
So, i googled places for me to pay these compounds.all i could read is about news regarding people swarming the traffic counter to pay their summons. I dont know the place since i am a 'good citizen' and these petty things caused trouble to me. Traffic offences happened to those who drive small,local cars and not any Porsche or Ferrari.weird!. Oh my! Could i just shove the money right infront of  the officers and say "Shut up and take my money!". ( is this statement considered as wrongful? Yeah, i do know that public servants has rights and immunity when it comes to exercising their powers. So,better not offend them or pay the consequences!)
Hey,chill. Just a statement written in my personal blog. No offense officer! ;)
C'mon, police officers are human too! Like you never see few police cars speeding on the highways or did few traffic offences like didnt give signal before heading left/right. I saw that few times. Yeah. People make mistakes.
So....can my traffic summons be reduced? Cut the slack will ya? Student got no money lahh.
I only have half of my PTPTN money right now. Need to survive till june! Could you?
Whatever it is..i'm so pissed off today! Daddy is at the hospital and i need to pay these summons. My diet program and those protein shakes that i need to buy. Please,let money drop from the sky!
Sorry if i sounded stupid for arguing these matters. If you dont care for your money, pay for my summons lah! My money,my rights.

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